What are Unigloves' internal governance and accountability structures for managing human rights in supply chains?

And who is responsible?

About Unigloves

Unigloves (UK) Limited (Unigloves, We or Our) has been supplying hand protection since its foundation in 2000 and is majority owned by our parent company UG Healthcare Corporation. The remaining ownership lies with local shareholders. Unigloves work with a range of size and types of organisations, across a wide range of industries and sectors, supplying Unigloves branded gloves.

It is our policy, and our objective, to ensure all workers are protected from modern day slavery. We have been full members of the Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI) since early 2023, having been a foundation member during the COVID pandemic, and are committed to the ETI Base Code which is founded on the conventions of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) and is an internationally recognised code of labour practice.

About UG Healthcare Corporation

The Group owns and operates an extensive downstream network of distribution companies with a local presence in the United Kingdom, Germany, the USA, China, Africa, and South America, where it markets and sells its proprietary Unigloves® brand of disposable examination gloves. UG Healthcare Corporation has been listed on the Singapore Exchange since 8 December 2014 under stock code 8K7. The Group, with its manufacturing base located in Seremban, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia has total installed production capacity of 4.6 billion pieces of gloves per annum, across 3 closely located manufacturing sites, is a member of Sedex and is subject to regular SMETA audits and assessments by Impactt Limited.

Overall responsibility for Unigloves’ internal governance and accountability for managing human rights in supply chains lies with the UK Managing Director but is delegated to the technical team and procurement team. Together they assess our supply chain and identify salient risks as well as undertaking risk assessments and implementing third party audits.


Since 2016, Alcumus ISOQAR have annually audited Unigloves against the Labour Standards Assurance System (LSAS). LSAS was developed in collaboration between NHS Supply Chain and the Department of Health in order to enhance the identification of issues, remediation and continuous improvement in labour standards management. It was launched in 2012, defining 15 areas to cover policies, procedures and practices that an organisation employs to identify labour standards issues mitigate risks and drive improvement. It places the responsibility on the suppliers to demonstrate they have effective systems in place. It builds on principles of due diligence, extending this to routine consideration of labour standards, particularly important for suppliers doing business where evidence of labour standards issues exist.

Whistle blowing

We have a fully independent whistle blowing service, linked directly from our website, which currently operates in 7 languages. Our parent company factories in Malaysia have undertaken training with the workforce, in the relevant languages spoken on site, to train all employees in the availability and use of the service.

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